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The Beauty of a Strong Blue Fluorescence Diamond: A Comprehensive Guide

by Luis Navarro
Last updated on September 14, 2023

When it comes to diamonds, many factors contribute to their unique beauty and allure. One of the lesser-known but intriguing characteristics is fluorescence. If you’re asking yourself – “Is diamond fluorescence good or bad?” – worry not because in this guide, we’ll dive into the mesmerizing world of strong blue fluorescence diamonds. You’ll discover what sets them apart, how fluorescence works, its impact on diamond value, and how to choose, care for, and find the perfect strong blue fluorescence diamond.

This post is strictly educational; Clean Origin carries no fluorescent diamond assortment at this time, but we encourage you to browse our vast collection of lab grown diamonds.

Understanding Fluorescence

lab grown diamond engagement ring and stud earrings on a rock

Diamond fluorescence is a magical phenomenon in the diamond world. When exposed to ultraviolet light, some diamonds fluoresce and absorb the invisible UV rays and re-emit them as visible, colored light. This fluorescent reaction reveals a diamond’s hidden beauty. But what causes this phenomenon?

The answer lies deep within the diamond’s atomic structure. Some diamonds contain trace elements like boron that act as fluorescence-activating agents. When UV light hits these elements, their electrons become excited and jump to higher energy levels. As the electrons fall back to their natural state, they release energy through visible light.

The strength of the effect depends on the concentration and distribution of the trace elements within the diamond. Diamonds with minimal traces of elements will have a faint fluorescence, while those with more fluorescence agents concentrated in specific areas will have a stronger fluorescence.

Strong Blue Fluorescence Diamonds

lab grown diamond engagement ring on a rock

The allure of diamonds with strong blue fluorescent diamonds lies in their bewitching glow. When exposed to ultraviolet light, they illuminate with a brilliant sapphire blaze – a mystifying and beautiful phenomenon. This fluorescence can enhance a diamond’s appeal in a magical way, unlike anything else in the gem world.

But the advantages extend beyond mesmerizing beauty. A strong blue fluorescence can also camouflage yellow tints, making lower-color diamonds appear whiter. This optical magic trick can increase the stone’s aesthetic appeal significantly. A lower-color diamond can seem to leap up the color scale, gaining value through the fluorescence effect.

For gem aficionados and lovers of the mysterious, strong blue fluorescence diamonds hold an irresistible draw.

Levels of Blue Fluorescence in Diamonds

lab grown diamond engagement ring on a rock


Diamonds with “none” fluorescence exhibit no visible glow when exposed to UV light. These diamonds are considered “non-fluorescent.” They are sought after by those who prefer a traditional, classic appearance without any fluorescence effects.

Faint Blue Fluorescence

Diamonds with “faint” fluorescence emit a subtle glow under UV light. This level of fluorescence is usually not visible in everyday lighting conditions. It has little to no impact on the diamond’s appearance. Faint fluorescence is generally considered neutral and does not significantly affect a diamond’s value.

Medium Blue Fluorescence

Diamonds with “medium” fluorescence emit a more noticeable glow under UV light. This level of fluorescence can occasionally be seen in daylight, especially in certain lighting conditions. While medium fluorescence is still considered relatively neutral, evaluating the diamond’s appearance in different lighting settings is essential to ensure it aligns with your preferences.

Strong Blue Fluorescence

Strong blue fluorescence diamonds emit a vibrant blue glow when exposed to UV light. This level of fluorescence can add a captivating and unique charm to the diamond’s appearance, particularly in natural sunlight or environments rich in UV light. It can also make diamonds with lower color grades appear whiter, which can be a desirable feature for some buyers.

Very Strong Blue Fluorescence

Diamonds with a very strong fluorescence exhibit an intense and pronounced glow under UV light. While this level of fluorescence can enhance a diamond’s appeal in some lighting conditions, it may also lead to more noticeable fluorescence in unnatural lighting settings. Very strong fluorescence is rare and should be chosen carefully based on individual preferences.

Fluorescence in a Diamond Engagement Ring

couple hugging while woman wears multiple diamond rings

Experts once scoffed at diamonds with strong blue fluorescence, deeming them flawed and less valuable. But modern sensibilities have sparked a fluorescence revolution. Today, a diamond’s fluorescence fire is admired for its spellbinding allure.

When evaluating fluorescent diamonds for an engagement ring, keep the following in mind:

The Pros:

Captivating Visual Appeal – The blue glow creates exotic allure and mystique, especially in natural light.

Masking Ability – Strong blue fluorescence can make lower-color diamonds appear whiter and brighter. This improves their aesthetic appeal.

Rarity Value – The phenomenon is relatively uncommon, adding to its intrigue and desirability for some collectors.

The Cons:

Potential Overglow – The blue fluorescence may be overly prominent in some artificial lighting. This can be seen as a detractor by some.

Perceived Lower Quality – There’s a persisting stigma that strong fluorescence indicates impurity and inferior quality in a diamond.

Niche Appeal – While intriguing to some, strong blue fluorescence has a polarizing effect. Its uniqueness can be a pro or con depending on individual taste.

In the end, choosing a diamond is profoundly personal. For those enraptured by blue fluorescence, the pros far outweigh the cons. But others may prefer diamonds without any tricks of light. The importance lies in choosing what speaks to you.

Choosing a Strong Blue Fluorescence Diamond

female model posing with a lab grown diamond ring and multiple tennis bracelets

Finding your perfect fluorescent diamond is a journey driven by personal style. Consider what captivates your imagination – do you crave the mystique of a diamond radiating an exotic blue, or prefer a more subtle tradition?

Embrace Your Inner Spirit

Fluorescence’s exotic allure calls to adventurous spirits. If a touch of enchantment speaks to your style, you’ll treasure a diamond with blue luminescence.

Curate the Ultimate Setting

The right setting is vital for maximizing fluorescence. Consult designers on cuts, shapes, and metals that boost the diamond’s glow. Custom settings can optimize the drama and make the stone the focal point.

Platinum and White Gold are Natural Complements

Pair fluorescence with white metals to augment the blue flame. The icy shimmer of platinum and white gold allows the diamond’s light to shine, especially under UV.

Talk to the Experts

There’s an art to selecting the ideal fluorescent diamond. Seek out jewelers and gemologists experienced with these phenomenal stones. Let their guidance lead you to “the one” that captures your heart with its magical secret glow.

The experience of selecting your diamond should be as magical as wearing it. Approach the process with an open heart and emboldened spirit as you transform this wonder into your own personal star.

Does Diamond Fluorescence Affect Price?

female model posing while wearing multiple diamond rings

Fluorescence, particularly strong blue fluorescence, can influence a diamond’s price. Historically, strong fluorescence was viewed as a drawback, resulting in lower prices. However, modern preferences have shifted, appreciating the unique charm of strong blue fluorescence, which has increased costs for these diamonds.

However, it’s important to note that diamond pricing also considers the diamond’s cut, carat weight, clarity, and color grade, making it essential to prioritize personal preference when purchasing.

Caring for a Strong Blue Fluorescence Diamond

female model posing while wearing multiple diamond rings, a tennis bracelets, and a stud earring

Caring for your rare blue diamond requires a gentle approach to keep its brilliance intact.

Gentle Cleaning

When cleaning, use only mild soap and water with a soft-bristled brush. Avoid abrasive cleaners that can scratch the surface. Handle the diamond gently and store it separately from other jewelry to prevent chips and scratches.

Regular Inspections

Schedule regular check-ups with your jeweler – at least annually – to inspect the setting and ensure the stone is secure. Ask them to steam clean the diamond periodically to remove buildup and restore its sparkle.

Safe Handling

Take extra precautions if your blue diamond has a fragile fluorescence coating. Avoid wearing during vigorous activity, and absolutely no ultrasonic or chemical cleaning.

With careful handling and professional inspections, your diamond will maintain its coveted glow for years to come.

Shop for Lab Grown Diamonds at Clean Origin

We are here to assist you in every step of your journey, from selecting the perfect lab grown diamond engagement ring to crafting your dream jewelry piece. You can schedule a virtual appointment with one of our team members or visit one of our showrooms in a city near you today!